Emotional Eating for Binge Eaters

Learn how to overcome emotional eating to find binge freedom in this interactive 60-minute masterclass!

In this workshop I’ll give you the exact strategies I use with my clients for defeating overwhelming emotions before they lead to a binge. 

We’ll cover how to handle boredom, stress, perfectionism, lonelinesss, and more without turning to food.

You can choose to attend live on June 23 at 11am or 7pm EST.

“Marissa provided me with practical tips and techniques to incorporate into my everyday life [to overcome binge eating]. As a result of her, binge eating is no longer something I’m struggling with. If I ever do have a hard day, I am confident I have the tools needed to identify what is going on and quickly change course.”
Past Client

By the end of this masterclass, you will know how to:

When you register you’ll get an email with a zoom link to access the LIVE event.